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How to give the Best Voice Direction

Published 6 years ago - 0 Comments

How to give the Best Voice Direction When the Read Doesn’t Sound Right

Once you receive the audio file, you should ensure that the voice over read sounds like you wanted it to (this has a lot to do with the direction you’ve provided to the talent and the script you have written). A seasoned voice over professional will appreciate and follow your clear direction from the very beginning of a project.

However, If you have ever received a voice over that didn’t sound quite like you had imagined it would, it can be hard to put your finger on exactly what’s ‘off.’ However, the following three key indicators are a good place to start.

Tone – the tone of voice plays a huge role in how narration can sound. Listen to the tone. Does it engage the audience throughout? Although some scripts may be a bit dry and complex, the tone of voice can really help bring it to life.

Volume – is the volume appropriate? Does it get too loud or too soft in certain parts? You will want to pay attention to any variations in volumes.

Pacing – the rate of speech can have an impact on how engaging your script is. Too slow of a read will be boring and not keep learners engaged the entire time. But too fast of a read means your audience may not be able to absorb the message. According to the National Center for Voice and Speech, the average American speaks at around 150 words per minute, when engaged in conversation.When you’re listening back on your voice over, it should sound clear to your ears. Note if you are tuning out at any parts or getting lost because the pace is not just right. This is an indication that the pacing may be slightly off.

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